Jimmy Valentine Character Analysis

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A believable character is one who has traits that are similar to those found in reality. In the book, “A Retrieved Reformation”, Jimmy Valentine was an anti-hero that epitomized the qualities found in an average human being. His ambition provides enough evidence to prove himself as a genuine man. Subsequently, the attributes of being skillful and proud also make him an actual person. It is the development of these characteristics throughout the story that one is able to identify Valentine as an authentic individual. One reason why the qualities of Jimmy Valentine can exist in reality is because of his ambition. There is evidence of him having a strong desire to marry a young lady named Annabel Adams. In a stereotypical society, many …show more content…

This view seems convincing at first, but it is not a plausible argument nor is supported by facts. In contrast, the fact that he was skillful allows the reader to consider him as a believable character. One reason why is because Jimmy had the capability to invent and make new tools. Everyone in the world is capable of inventing and making new things, which shows that he was a real person. Another reason why is because a week after Valentine was released from prison, he was brilliant enough to steal seven thousand three-hundred dollars. During the nineteenth century, a man named Jesse James was a thief who was clever enough to rob a lot of banks. This connection shows that he was a genuine man. An additional example of Jimmy Valentine showing his remarkable aptitude occurred near the end of the story, when Mary had shut Agatha in the vault at the Elmore Bank. “In a minute Jimmy’s pet drill was biting smoothly into the steel door. In ten minutes--breaking his own burglarious record--he threw back the bolts and opened the door” (35). Many different events, such as sports and art, take a lot of skill to successfully break records. This statement makes the audience learn that he was similar to a typical human being. Jimmy’s expertise in cracking safes also certifies his

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