Jim Halpert Vs. Rainn Wilson's The Office

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In 2001, the TV series The Office premiered. This was a British based show about typical office life. The show had some success, but in 2003 the show stopped. In 2005 however, producers in the United States created their own version of The Office. This version, starring Steve Carrell, is a documentary that chronicles a paper company named Dunder-Mufflin that sells paper in a small-Pennsylvania town, Scranton. Like every workplace, Dunder-Mifflin has interesting characters, an interesting boss, and relationships. Two of the most prominent characters are salesmen Jim Halpert and Dwight Schrute. Jim Halpert is played by John Krasinki and Dwight Schrute is portrayed by Rainn Wilson. From the beginning of the show, it is clear to see that Jim and …show more content…

Many of the jokes are played by Jim on his fellow salesman Dwight. For instance, in Season 2 Episode 6, “The Fight”, Jim moves Dwight’s desk into the men’s restroom. Dwight then had to answer his calls and do his work in the men’s room for a whole morning. Jim also plays smaller pranks on Dwight. In the first episode ever of The Office, “Pilot”, viewers get an idea of Jim’s pranks when Dwight opens his desk to find that his stapler has been put inside green Jell-O. Jim’s pranks often take a lot of unnecessary effort on Jim’s part, but they are always funny. One time in the episode “Product Recall”, Jim bought the exact outfit as Dwight wears, styled his hair like Dwight, and then came to work dressed as Dwight. This prank, like many others, was made funnier by Dwight’s overreactions. Dwight gets easily frustrated and does not take jokes well. While Dwight does not play many pranks, one of the funniest things Dwight has done was hiding inside a snowman, and when Jim got out of his car, he pummeled him with snowballs. Dwight does not find Jim’s pranks amusing, and that just makes them even funnier. Because Jim plays the best pranks, he clearly has the edge when it comes to

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