Jewish Dynagogue Research Paper

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It really was a wonderful experience. It was something new and very intriguing. I loved learning about different religions of the world and now have a much better understanding of them. Just seeing how fulfilled and joyous the people in the synagogue were made me really happy. If one of my friends had asked me to go to a mosque or a temple with them before I took this course, I probably would have declined. However, next time I will definitely be more thrilled to. I understand why it is so significant to American Jews today. It is a holy sacramental place to come together and pray to God. When everyone comes together as a whole for a spiritual purpose it shows respect for the Holy Father. The synagogue brings the whole community together …show more content…

In the early times of the synagogue had an essential role in the evolution of American Jewish life. Around the colonial period, the synagogue was the only Jewish institution and came to be compatible with the community. They gave both the religious and social needs for the environment. It symbolized the Jewish community as a whole. But it has undergone many changes. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the dynamic had shifted a little. There were movements to provide the needs of the Jewish communities. There was a Reform movement and a Conservative movement. These movements were a mix of religious and social functions. This was a precursor used for all the other synagogues had followed. Today, the role of the synagogue is retaining itself as an authoritative and dominating central building for American Jews. The temple has become an accepting association funding and shares the community obligation for Jewish education. Not only that, they have began to strengthen community building through social and political work. The synagogue remains a religious establishment for Jewish

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