Jerry Sandusky Research Paper

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Jerry Sandusky, Penn State football coach that was under the legendary Joe Paterno, founder of the Second Mile, a model citizen of his community, convicted on forty-five counts of child sex abuse (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). While many were not aware of Sandusky behavior, however, some were aware of what Sandusky was doing but failed to share the information with the Board of Trustees. The ones that were aware of Sandusky’s behavior was President Spanier, Senior Vice President of Finance and Business, Gary Schultz, the Athletic Director Timothy Curley, and Head Coach of the football team, Joseph Paterno (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). They all kept Sandusky’s unethical behavior to themselves, which if they would have spoken up, something could have been …show more content…

Although Sandusky was retired, he still had access to then campus, which is where he would bring most of the victims (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). During the time Sandusky was still coaching at Penn State, in 1998, a mother of an eleven-year-old boy reported that Sandusky showered with her son, which it was investigated, but nothing showed of a crime, so Penn State officials thought the problem was resolved, until 2001 when it happened again with another boy that was ten. Mike McQueray reported it to Coach Paterno. Coach Paterno spoke with the President as well as the others that were aware of Sandusky’s behaviors, which later they confronted Sandusky about his actions. Years later, the University started receiving subpoenas and then the investigation started. In 2012, Sandusky was charged with child sex abuse; Paterno and Spanier were removed from their positions, while Schultz and Curley stepped down (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). The NCAA also responded by barring the football program from postseason games for a total of four years, cut scholarships, as well as taking 111 of the 409 wins from Paterno off the

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