Jem Finch Quotes

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Jem Finch's younger self is completely unaware of what the future holds for him. Jem is clueless of which path to take, so he is letting his heart choose. Harper Lee notes, "when a child asks you something , answer him, for goodness sake... Children can spot an evasion quicker than adults"(87). Atticus Finch states a good point in this quote saying that children are not as dumb as adults think they are. This quote also recognizes Atticus's knowledge on the child mind and Jem will now have an idea of to think about others. Undoubtedly Atticus is not the only person realizing that Jem is becoming a man. For instance Harper Lee writes, "she's coming along, though Jem's getting older and she follows his example a good bit now. All she needs is

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