Jeanne Daman As An Exemplar Hero

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Imagine watching helpless Jewish children hidden or trapped in concentration camps. Most people wouldn’t risk their lives if they received the chance to assist them. However, Jeanne Daman should be considered an exemplar hero since she was determined, just, clever, and thrived in this opportunity. Jeanne Daman demonstrated heroism through determination in hardships and frightening situations. Daman was the leading efforts in rescuing 2,000 Jewish children during the Holocaust, the genocide of six million Jews. She continued to assist even through intimidating conditions. For example, she secretly worked as a social worker for the Germans in a new identity. In addition to changing her identity, Daman was determined to better the Jews situation by continuing her efforts while transporting weapons illegally and actively involving …show more content…

Even though Judaism wasn’t her religion, she didn’t hesitate to come to the rescue. Daman was taught “right from wrong”, so it didn’t matter what religion they belonged to. Another example of how Daman was includes her returning Jewish children to their families once the Holocaust ended. Lastly, another moment that justifies how Jeanne Daman showed fairness was when she moved to America and eventually fundraised for Israel through the UJA, United Jewish Appeal. Obviously, Jeanne Daman was fair minded and just throughout her never ending efforts. Showing cleverness through tricky situations elevate Jeanne Daman’s hero status significantly. She was extremely clever in which she would create new identities for Jewish people. For example, Daman had women “work” as maids so they wouldn’t be suspected. In addition to helping others with their new identities, she would create ones for herself as well to also stay under the radar. Therefor, Jeanne Daman demonstrates undeniable wit and cleverness based on the way she reacted to such

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