Jean Piaget's Stages Of Development

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Jean Piaget was one of the most prominent researchers of the 20th century in the field of psychology and human development. He concentrated his attention on the biological influences on the psychological portrait of the person and developmental stages. Piaget pointed out that the development of a person passes through certain stages; each stage can be characterized by specific features. He argued that learning about the world was possible through personal experience. However, his inspiration of developing the idea of cognitive growth and changes of people came while researching child behavior. Moreover, it is important to note that his research was based on the observation of behavior of his own three children (Berlin, Zeanah & Lieberman, 2008). The main aim of his research was to show the differences between the children’s and adults’ way of thinking. It means that different factors influence the way of thinking of people at different stages of development. Piaget focused attention on the fact that children actually have a rather basic mental structure that is based on knowledge and experience that is formed in a particular way. He argued that cognitive development is a process that takes long period of time and can be influenced by huge amount of different internal and external factors. It is necessary to underline that Piaget considered that children can create a reality around them based on existing experiences together with the future expectations from the social environment. Piaget used to speak about stages of cognitive development in order to show the specific features of human behavior at different ages. He described four main stages of cognitive development: • Sensorimotor stage; • Pre-operational stage; • Concrete... ... middle of paper ... ...this girl is concentrated on the idea that everyone likes doctors. Moreover, the girl uses symbolism to explain her ideas. She said that the sky is blue probably because seas and oceans are also blue. Some of the knowledge can be considered as the experience of previous generations. The question about the toes showed it in the best way. The logic is not yet based on the concrete knowledge. However, imagination proposed different variants of answers. Piaget underlined that the pre-operational stage can be described as the stage of the concentrated egocentrism. We could notice these features in practice. Moreover, this stage is said to be devoted to the abilities of children. They are rather limited because the mental activity is influenced by life experience and emotions. Therefore, the conclusions concerning the practical aspect of the theoretical study are made.

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