Jazz Music In Ken Burns Jazz Episode One

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Ken Burns’ Jazz Episode One shows us how the history of Jazz is unique and revealing, with as many twists and folds as a piece of Jazz music itself. With influences from the various cultures prominent in the region at the dawn of its creation, Jazz is the ultimate melting pot of musical style and cultural influences. It has features from African music, Caribbean music, and European music, among many others. Jazz takes the best features of the cultures which influenced it and created something that was more than the sum of its parts, in this way, Jazz is uniquely American. Jazz was heavily influenced by the multitude of cultures found in and around New Orleans during the late 19th century.
Politics had a great deal of influence on the creation
Such greats include the likes of Buddy Bolden and Jelly Roll Morton. Buddy Bolden is credited with no less than the creator of Jass music itself. A talented cornetist, Buddy blended the blues with ragtime among many other influences in order to create New Orleans Jazz. Bolden eventually developed psychosis, and spent the last years of his life in an insane asylum. Jelly Roll Morton was a pianist who is credited with being the first Jazz musician to write his music down. Morton also brought a great amount of French influence into his music through his Creole roots. It is no secret that Jelly Roll Morton got a start on his musical career at the age of fourteen, when he worked as a pianist in a brothel. He got away with his employment in a house of ill repute by telling his mother he was working as a night watchman. In reality the only watching he did was through a peephole to coordinate the music to the
The narration was incredible, and the commentary from professionals and academics was very fitting for the way they presented the information. The enthusiasm for the music was incredibly apparent from all who were involved in the production of the film, from the panelists to the editors. There was a great deal of details that never would have made it into in a more sugar-coated account, some of great controversy and scandal. This very serious, yet still lighthearted approach to presenting the facts managed to make history seemingly come to

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