Jazz And Plagiarism Essay

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The exact definition of an artist can be hotly debated, but when it comes down to it, an artist is someone who creates. An artist creates what they create because they enjoy creating and want to share their creations with the world. I am an artist, and my creation is in jazz. A key concept of jazz is creation. This creation is rooted in improvisation—the art of playing in the moment over well practiced and memorized chords. Sometimes this spontaneous playing can be a challenge, and that’s where plagiarism comes in. As modern jazz players, one of our favorite methods of original creation is outright plagiarism. Stealing ideas from the diseased, as morally corrupt as it sounds, is often the best way to improve at improv. As the idiom goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Stealing from the legends of our art shows the utter respect and complete admiration that we have for them. …show more content…

The challenge inherent in jazz improvisation is what makes it so impressive. Being able to create something from nothing is both incredibly difficult and incredible impressive. This challenge is paralleled in many aspects of my life. I expose myself to challenge in academics, my arts, and my social life. Then there’s the idea of rehearsing chords prior to performance in order to improve the quality of the solo. In my life separate from jazz, this is my education. Learning from and about the past provides an important basis on which to create. Without knowing its history, there would be no art and no creation. Strategies such as studying history, reading about past literature, and using old techniques in math and science show these aspects of preparing in my other

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