Jaylo Research Paper

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Shanni&KendraEnglish lll2-19-18JAYLO’s Crash Jaylo, 5'5", brunette, and very artistic, she loves singing "it gives her an adrenaline rush". Jaylo has just been talked to by Usher about recording a demo for her, she was breath taken. She has been practicing and working incredibly hard so she crushes the demo. Usher told her " she has high potential and he believes that she will be big". Jaylo was forced to live her grandparents due to her parent's death in the early 2000’s, they had gotten into a plane crash on their way back home from Arizona. Jaylo and the rest of her family were devastated with her parents unexpected deaths. Even though she can’t really remember them, she still is affected greatly. Her grandparents are nice, caring people and always taught her just like her parents, to have a big heart and see the best in people no matter what. In …show more content…

The other car belonged to Selena. Selena, was injured severely and Justin is left to think jaylo did this on purpose.Justin ended things with jaylo, and it is safe to say it the relation did not end on good terms. Justin bad mouthed her to many publishers and tv editors. Jaylo being a young singer, was heart broken, and the tabloids gave her a new name of “crazy”. Jaylo was to ashamed to continue life in the public eye and gave up her singing career. She had decided to start a new life in North Dakota and lived happily without Justin’s unneeded drama. Jaylo was missed by many of her new fans, hundreds of record deals were knocking on her door. Jaylo felt obligated to give singing another shot, and she did. Although, many of the younger singers were not her fans due to the accident with Selena, the rest of America was. Her songs were wide spread and constantly playing on all radio stations. In early 2018, she was listed number one and today’s top charts, Jaylo has learned to forgive herself, move on from the accident, which in the end brings joy to herself and many others with her

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