Jay Gatsby Deception

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In the Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway lives next door to Jay Gatsby. When he goes to one of Gatsby's parties, he overhears an abounding amount of rumors circulating Gatsby's past. We know Jay Gatsby's history is important in the story because of the fact that, they bring it up numeral times. The audience gets to see Gatsby get caught up in his own deception, which is how we know that it is false. One of the first facts we get to be informed about Gatsby's olden days is that he fell head over heels in love for a young woman, named Daisy Buchannan. It occured when they were both quite young and capticated by one another, but then he went off to combat in battle during World War 1. In addition, we can see that he has not abandoned the memories of their moments together because he will let go of the "American dream". According to Gatsby, the "American Dream" means …show more content…

In the book, one of the main things about the past is how Gatsby got his finances. We find out he was actually born James Gats, was intricsic without cash, and was drafted in Ww1. When he comes back for Daisy, something gets mixed up with Oxford University. He makes Nick believe that he went to do academic studies there, but we find out that he went to endeavor as a janitor. Then he met Dan Cody, who was filthy rich, who promised him that he could inherit all him money. However, Dan Cody's wife ends up inheriting the money. So, how did Gatsby get his money? We know that this book was written in the 1920s because of the advertences it makes such as those of the flappers, the world series of 1919, and the American Dream. Mr. Wolfsheim is a very apprehensive working partner of Gatsby's. By the end of the book, we see that Gatsby is actually a bootlegger, and this is how he got money. In conclusion, Gatsby's life is a mystery for most of the book. However, by the end we know the factualness of his

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