Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

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Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

In 1796 Jane Austin wrote a classic novel named Pride and Prejudice.

She wrote many novels but they were not published. In 1813 the novel

was published. Although the novel was written a long time ago it still

has valid comments for our social lives.

Most of the characters in the novel belong to the gentry. They are

largely a land owning class, but included others such Mr Collins who

represents the clergy. Trades people such as Sir William Lucas were

excluded from the gentry because they tended not to own much land and

it was often rare for a trade's people to have a high yearly income.

Charlotte married Mr Collins in order to improve her social status and

secure a home for her mother if her father was to die.

In those times marriage was similar to a business deals not like

today. Good marriage ensured safety for the family. For women,

marriage was the only chance to improve their social status. Although

marring for money today is almost unheard of for working class people

it is very normal with some couples. Contracts such as Pre-nuptial

agreements exist today between some people. Elizabeth and Jane both

believed that they should not marry just for the financial security

they would receive. On page 107, Elizabeth talks to Jane about

Charlottes acceptance on Mr Collins proposal " You shall not, for, the

sake of one individual, change the meaning of principle and integrity,

nor endeavour to persuade, and insensibility of danger security for


Women around that time were expected to have certain accomplishments,

which included music, dancing, drawing and singing. Women were not

considered citizens and so they did not receive higher education and

were expected to spend their time learning new 'accomplishments'. Some

of the most respected accomplishments included speaking a foreign


This is one of the many expectations of women at this time. Elizabeth

would not be described as a very accomplished girl because she cannot

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