James Whitey Bulger: Leader Of The Winter Hill Gang

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James J. Bulger: James “Whitey” Bulger, leader of the Winter Hill Gang (a gang formed in 1972 that was a combination of two gangs formed into one; they used fear to keep power in Boston), was an American crime boss who, was a prominent figure in organized crime from the late 1960s to the mid-1990s. Bulger was involved in a street gang as a teenager and was arrested several times, on charges ranging from forgery to assault and battery. His criminal record only escalated from there as he and couple other men were convicted for armed robberies, extortion, money laundering, racketeering, drug dealing, and murders. He was guilty on 31 of 32 counts, including 11 murders. He was accused of 19 murders, but was only guilty for 11. Bulger was given …show more content…

Informants: Someone who provides privileged information about a person or organization is known as an informant. Whitey Bulger and Stephen Flemmi, top echelon informants, have been feeding information to the FBI as early as the 1960’s, but sadly for the wrong reasons. Bulger and Flemmi continuously meet with long time friend and FBI agent John Connolly to provide information, some true and some false about other criminals and gangs in the area. Bulger did this to design protection for him, delude other investigators, and get the competitive edge he wanted. John Connolly was determined to keep these men on the streets, where they could access the most information, that if another investigator came close to his informants, he did everything he could to shield them from them (“The ‘Whitey” Bulger Trial--June 12--Opening …show more content…

Richard Buccheri: Richard Buccheri, general contractor, built a screen house behind a home where Bulger kept all his guns and ammunition and was the scene for vicious extortions. At the time, Buccheri did not know this is what the screen house was being used for, but was asked to come back to what he thought would be another building project. To his surprise, he arrived to an angry Whitey Bulger who took a gun to his mouth, threatening to kill him and his family, about a property matter that affects his friend. That is when Buccheri quickly agreed to an extortion of $200,000, so he could get himself out of there alive (Lavoie; “The ‘Whitey” Bulger Trial--June 12--Opening

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