James Watt Research Paper

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James Watt was a Scottish inventor, who changed the way that steam energy is used today. The improvements that Watt made to the Newcomen steam engine were extremely important to the progression of making industrial items during its time. Watt not only made an engine that would progress industrial machinery by a great amount, but also many other things that would help industry workers in that time-period. James Watt was born in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland on January 19th 1736. Watt’s father owned a successful ship and home building business, while Watt’s mother taught him some before sending him to school. Here, Watt would learn many things such as a few different languages, and mathematics. However, Watt suffered from many pains such as migraines and toothaches, therefore, Watt was taught mostly at home due to not being able to attend school very often. So Watt’s mother taught him …show more content…

For Watt, repairing a steam engine was definitely a test of what he could do, and while he was repairing the engine, he also found multiple problems with the steam flow. “Watt was impressed by its waste of steam. In May 1765, after wrestling with the problem of improving it, he suddenly came upon a solution” (Kingsford britannica). One of Watt’s first solutions to this problem was the making of a separate steam condenser. “At this time understanding of the steam engine was in a very primitive state. The science of thermodynamics would not be formalized for at least another 100 years” (Mcfadden interestingengineering.org). Therefore, the science on how to fix the engine’s heat problem would have taken quite a while. When Watt finally fixed the model that he was given, it did not as well as it should have, but he did end up finding the problem that needed fixing which was the fact that ¾ of the thermal energy was being used to heat the engine cylinder in each

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