James Alan Mcpherson's 'Why I Like Country Music'

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James Alan McPherson short story “Why I Like Country Music” deals with the cultural differences separating the North and the South in the United States throughout the mid-1900’s. The couple in the story are both black but are still segregated by culture. The narrator was born in the South while his wife Gloria was born in the North. This short story summarizes how even people who are ethnically similar can be culturally different. Furthermore, the best thing to do is look past cultural differences for the greater good. The narrator of the story is in conflict with himself and his wife because he is trying to understand why he fancies country music and she doesn't. “I have wondered why I like this music and this dance”. When the narrator hears the country music he is reminded of his childhood when he first discovered this genre of music. Even as a child, the narrator was avidly aware of differences between the North and South. We know this because as a child he claims the “Good life said to exist in those far Northern places”. This belief was brought up upon cultural differences in these different areas. What's ironic about this story is that the narrator is introduced to square …show more content…

Gloria stereotypes country music as being “hillbilly stuff” due to her cultural upbringing. As a Northerner, she views country music as an inferior product from the South. Gloria neglects to see that she doesn't like country music because of where she grew up and what she was exposed to as a child. When the narrator is trying to understand why his wife doesn't like country music he says, “Perhaps it is because Gloria is third generation Northern-born”. This analysis by the narrator is one of the reasons why Gloria would be encouraged to assimilate into the Northern culture. Just like her husband Gloria was influenced by her surroundings to form opinions influenced by stereotyping and

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