Jack Welch Case Study

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According to the Organizational Behavior textbook, “leadership is the use of non-coercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group members to meet a goal” (Griffin, Phillips, and Gully, 2016, p.406). While Jack Welch had some problems as a leader for General Electric, some of his leadership qualities were beneficial to the company and the people. Welch maybe was missing a few aspects of being a great leader, he did have some that made him a good leader. For instance, Welch demonstrated the leader qualities of job-centered behavior, achievement oriented behavior, and transformational leadership. All of which are not bad qualities, but these three qualities are missing the concern a leader has for their subordinates. Compassion …show more content…

This is where achievement oriented leadership comes into play. Achievement oriented leadership is a part of the path goal theory of leadership. This theory states, “…effective leaders clarify the paths (behaviors) that will lead to desired rewards (goals)” ((Griffin, Phillips, and Gully, 2016, p.421). The achievement oriented side of this theory means that Welch’s leadership qualities would involve setting difficult goals, expecting employees to have high performance levels, and showing confidence that his subordinate will put in the effort to reach those goals (Griffin, Phillips, and Gully, 2016). The core and secondary problem are results of this leadership method. Employees began to feel overworked, because they were trying to achieve these challenging goals, while still picking up the pieces of those that were let go due to the restructuring. It is great to set goals for a company, but do not make them unrealistic. Some of Welch’s ideas and goals were not realistic in a short time …show more content…

One quality that people could see in Jack Welch was transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is “the set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute the change effectively” (Griffin, Phillips, and Gully, 2016, p.439). This leadership quality is found in someone that has a tremendous influence, because influence is needed to effectively implement change. While some people struggled with the restructuring of the company, the changes made did make the company strong and powerful in the business world. When Welch was forced into retirement, people were afraid of who would become the next CEO, because Welch was someone that changed the company for the better. While changes made were not always successful in a short period of time, Welch was able to take twenty years and completely transform a company, that takes vision. Over those twenty years, Welch was able to see what needed to be changed, and what needed to be fixed within those changes. He transformed a good company into a great

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