Jack The Ripper Research Paper

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In the investigation of the infamous ‘Jack the Ripper’, it was found that these murderous events held a large impact on Victorian England. In research, it was evident that the Whitechapel district of London, where the murders occurred, was always known for its poor, unclean history. However, after the horrific slaughters of five prostitutes in the span of 3 months in the year 1888 came horrifying attraction and acknowledgement of this era in the England papers. Specifically, as well as the wider community, the police investigators and also the media shockingly and drastically changed.

The sequence of events of the actions of ‘Jack the Ripper’ occurred in the span of three months. In these three months, at least 5 known victims were brutally murdered and an outrage occurred within the nation. These victims included, Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary …show more content…

Investigator Abberline was called in as he knew the area’s best as he had previously worked there. Through this time, he worked alongside Metropolitan police officer, George Godley.

Over the years, many suspects appeared. Some of these included The Duke of Clarence, Prince Albert Victor, Sir William Gull (the Queen’s physician) James Maybrick and Aaron Kosminki. Although, ‘Ripperologists’ who investigate into these series of crimes never agreed upon one person. Specifically, Maybrick turned heads as it was found after his death (a year after the murders) was a diary keep sake, where he spoke of himself as the Ripper. However, there were many speculations that the diary was a hoax.

Interestingly enough, there is also the theory that exists that the investigators did discover the identity of the brutal murderer. Although, for some reason decided to never release it to the public. This is speculated to be because the killer had connections to the royal

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