Jack Merridew's Quotes

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Three Quotations – Jack Merridew 1. “You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief” (pg. 177) This quote is significant because it represents what Jack is and what he has done. Ralph calls Jack these names before they lose their temper and are about to fight. In this quote, Ralph has called Jack out, that he is the reason of all the misfortune that has happened on the island and that he is the beast. That he was the reason of all this savagery and that he caused the evil within the boys, he brought it on through his need for leadership and his want for hunting and killing. Ralph calls him a thief and a swine because of his behaviour towards Piggy. He stole his glasses and turned all the boys against Ralph and Piggy who were the only good people on the island. As well as for making the island a fearful place for the boys. I feel that Ralph is right in everything he has said to Jack. He created the fear on the island all because of his need to be chief. As well as turned everyone against each other at the ending of the novel. 2. “He tried to convey the compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up” (pg. 51) …show more content…

He has started to show his urge for killing after he failed to kill the pig. When he failed to kill the pig he thought of himself as weak therefore making the urge to kill even more important for him. It was more important than even being recused. He has an obsession with hunting and anything else can wait. With the failure of his first attempted kill his foreshadows that Jack will got worse as the novel progresses. He somewhat still has control over his instincts to kill but he is losing that control. As soon as his first kill has been done, he will become a more fearful person because he has killed. Nothing is stopping him from killing anyone because he can’t control his

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