Jacek Nadolny: A Concentration Camp During The Holocaust

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This is a story, a story about a man who survived a terrible time in a camp. A concentration camp during the Holocaust. Jacek changed the lives of people around him, including me when I read what happened to him. This happened January 1945 when Jacek Nadolny was on a train going to his home in Auschwitz-Birkenau during the Warsaw Uprising. He was only 7 years old when he got home, and saw that the Nazis have captured his mother and father then soon took Jacek. They were then taken to Auschwitz in Berlin, Germany. Which was the roughest, most torturing of all the concentration camps. Jacek got the number 192685 written on his hand so the Nazis could keep them in check that way. Jacek was a Jew, and he survived, although his parents on the

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