Isthmus Of Corinth: The Benefits Of Ramps

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Humans were constructing ramps for various purposes long before written records existed. A 3.7-mile paved ramp constructed by the ancient Greeks was used to drag ships across the Isthmus of Corinth. Earthen ramps were used to allow an army besieging a city to storm the defenses, and there is some evidence that the builders of Stonehenge relied on ramps to place the massive stones. Many Egyptologists believe that workers used ramps when building the pyramids. Although technology has changed a great deal since the construction of the pyramids and Stonehenge, ramps are still commonplace features in the modern world.

What Are the Advantages of Ramps?
Ramps make it easier to move loads from a higher point to a lower point or from a lower point to a higher point. Moving a load up a ramp requires less force than would be required to lift it …show more content…

For example, the ramps in a parking garage allow vehicles to drive from one level to another, while ramps in manufacturing facilities allow forklifts to go from the production floor to a separate warehouse.

Considerations for Ramps
The first point to consider is slope of the ramp. Slope is calculated by finding the difference in height between the two ends of the ramp and then dividing that number by the horizontal length of the ramp. Smaller slopes require less force to move a load than would be required to move the same load on a ramp with a greater slope.

Another consideration is the texture of the ramp. A rough concrete ramp or one that contains cracks will make it harder to move the load, while a smooth, level ramp will make it easier.

When planning a loading ramp, it is important to consider the weight of the loads that will be placed on the ramp. For example, a loading ramp designed to allow trucks to back up to the dock will need to be stronger than a loading ramp that supports only forklift

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