Isolation in Mary Shelley´s Frankenstien

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Human are the most social animals in the world. When becoming isolated, it a signal that emotions have been turned amongst ourselves. If not already there, it is normal to feel depressed, lonely, alone. In Mary Shelley's gothic novel, both the monster and Frankenstein are isolated. Frankenstein will not tell anyone about his creation because he has no one to pour his emotions out to. This causes the loss of his family, friends,and lover. Until the end, he tells his experience to the force but was never really believed so his tale is only really heard by Robert Walton, an explorer with ambitions as strong as Victor himself. In Shelley's novel, she characterizes Victor Frankenstein and the monster as being isolated to convey their misery.

First off, the state of being isolated means to be left alone, set apart from all else. Once a child, Victor was somewhat neglected after his mother died. He overcomes his feelings by this strong desire to learn more, strive for success. His nose was constantly buried in books to the point that he became a social outcast. In fact, Victor Frankenstein states directly how isolation affected his character when he says that "but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys. Natural philosophy is the genius that has regulated my fate". (Shelley 27) Victor is conceivably an outcast when he dedicates and consumes himself in his constant research and work. Shelly wanted to pronounce how he began with a good mental state, until he starts to solely seek knowledge and a surpassing understanding of natural philosophy. Also, throughout Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Victor finds himself literally alone when the monster he created, murders th...

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...s!"(Shelley 128) Victor clearly informs us that all this time he spent wasting his knowledge on death and science rather than being out into the world, he was busy wasting it on hatred. On the other hand, the Monster had no say in his isolation. Victor abandoned him due to his looks and fear while the world just did it naturally. The creature never asked to be brought back to life, so Victor was the cause of his misery. The monster just went along with his instincts but the relationship between the two became war.

In conclusion, loneliness is an important theme in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. Being alone differs from being lonely. Everyone wants to get a few moments to themselves, and sometimes we isolate ourselves to the point that others tend to ignore and make it a habit. Isolation is the main cause of Victor Frankenstein's and the Monster's misery.

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