Isolation In Othello

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The classic stories of Cast Away by William Broyles Jr. and Othello by William Shakespeare illustrate the tragic effect of isolation on the human psyche and how it changes relationships with others. Chuck is first isolated by a plane crash, but when he is brought back into society, his solitude is still present. While Othello’s isolation is brought on by Iago, but existed before within his insecurity of his own race. It is hard for Othello to relate to other characters because he feels he is black and therefore cannot fully comprehend the Venetian culture of the white people. This mindset leaves him vulnerable to Iago’s manipulation. This notion is centered on the fact that since Othello is not white, Desdemona could not truly love him, and she will revert back to loving men of her own race. Othello’s isolation is self-induced because he sees himself as inferior to the society around him. In act I scene I …show more content…

Race was contentious in 1600 Venice, as society was centered on a homogenous ethnicity. Many Europeans had little contact with people from Africa. Their current information from portrayed dark-skinned people as bad; as darkness had a common connotation with evil, death, and mystery. Shakespeare knew that by having the main character, Othello, be a black Moor it would challenge people’s preconceived notions about other races. Not to mention, the antagonist, Iago, was a white Venetian continuing to challenge what society thinks of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ based on appearance. On the other hand, as technology advanced through the 1900s and into the 21st century, many rational fears are centered around the technology that exists today. Although rare, plane crashes happen every year causing many deaths and missing people. Race in the 21st century is not as controversial as it was in the 1600s, so the Cast Away storyline strikes more fear and relates to modern day

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