Isolation In Frankenstein Research Paper

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Frankenstein: Isolation

Jeffrey Smith
English 210
February 7, 2014

Although there are many themes in Frankenstein, the most dominant and easily seen is that of isolation which is evident all through the book. Isolation can best be described as “a state of which the person is or wants to be secluded from companions and is either abandoned or rejected from taking part of everyday society” ( or to be “quarantined” ( google dictionary). Most of the characters in this book are suffering from a state of being isolated, which results in the destruction of their lives. Not only can this theme be seen in the characters’ lives, but Mary Shelly also methodically uses it in some of her settings throughout the book.
Victor, …show more content…

He turns to the only thing that he can think of to get attention from others, mainly from his “father” or creator, Victor, treating them like he has been treated all of his life and even turning to violence. He begins by killing Victor’s younger brother. After this, he meets up with Victor and pleads for him to create a wife for him so that he will have somebody just like him who can understands what he is going through and someone who will love him. He does not want to live the remainder of his life in isolation. Victor then promises to create the monster a fellow woman and begins creating her in his laboratory then deciding against the idea of this creation. After Victor does not come through with his promise and because the monster is to be forever isolated from society as a result of his creator’s selfish ways, he goes on a rampage killing some of Victors closest loved ones including Henry Clerval and his wife, Elizabeth. Society contributed to turning the “monster” into such a ruthless villain when all he truly wanted was love and compassion his entire life and not have to live isolated from …show more content…

He secludes himself from the entire outside world dedicating himself to his studies. The Frankenstein family try to contact him and write letters; however, he is so interested in his studies he chooses to ignore them. He creates a “masterpiece” which he works on for approximately two years and once complete, runs in fear. From this point forward he fears taking any credit towards being the creator of such a creature. He then decides to seclude himself even more from family and

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