Isabel Code Of Justice Essay

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According to wikipedia justice is “the legal or philosophical theory by which fairness is administered.” however justice has a different meaning in many cultures and can even differ per person, because of this justice doesn’t really have a singular meaning. If someone is fighting another person in a war or for other reasons they might think justice is simply them winning. So justice depends on the injustice it needs to fix. In the book chains seeds of america. The main character Isabel is frequently searching for justice because she is frequently being denied justice. One example of this is when her first owner dies and with her last act she frees isabel and ruth. When she is confronted isabel says “ruth and me are free… miss …show more content…

It matters because it would be an injustice to deny her being free. However she is denied justice because her new owner denies any ideas of the will and proceeds to sell isabel and ruth too a evil owner. These owners were the locktons a married couple caught in a cycle of abuse. Elihu lockton is a loyalist who is always plotting against the rebellion madam lockton is a very abusive and ruthless master who is in charge of isabel and ruth. Isabel also needs justice for what madam lockton does to her and ruth the author shows the abusiveness of madam lockton in this piece. “Madam grabbed a painting from the wall and threw it down on my head”. This quote is one of many instances that madam lockton has beaten isabel and ruth numerous times. This quote matters because the reason madam lockton hit isabel with the painting was because isabel had insulted madam lockton after madam lockton had sold away ruth isabel’s little sister. Isabel at the start of this adventure just wanted to be with ruth as free slaves however over time she decides to help the americans. After the americans fail her she goes on to search for …show more content…

This boy was unable to explore the world the justice system did this to him his own mother cried when they finally took it off. Why is this important to justice because the injustice was caused by justice. “ I had to charge it for two hours every day, all in one sitting. If it disconnected, I had to start over. The charger had this very short cord, like only a few feet, which meant I had to sit somewhere right near the outlet and couldn’t go to the bathroom. If I had to go pee? Start over. If I didn’t start over? Violation. Jail.” this quote means that the justice system is losing their way of understanding justice. It matters because we are in this essay defining and showing what justice is.this boy still has the scar from this band let's see how this compares to isabel and ruth. Abuse in a way check injustice check losing freedom to grow up check. So yes justice is falling going back to whatever it was before we understood justice. Chris the boy with the ankle bracelet said the hardest part was curfew “At one point, I had a dishwashing job and would get off at night, and they’d hassle me even for that. The officer would point at the computer and show me every time the GPS said I wasn’t home on time. I’d laugh or deny it, and they’d take out their handcuffs

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