Is Torture Justified Essay

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Torture is prohibited in any circumstances under international law. Despite this, torture undeniably continues around the world and is often said to be justified in extreme situations such as the ‘ticking time bomb situation’. This case involves a circumstance where in order to prevent a future catastrophe from occurring, torture of a suspect is necessary in order to obtain information. Those who agree with this ideology argue that torture is still wrong however resorting to torture is the lesser of two evils and therefore justifiable. In this essay I argue that torture is always morally and ethically wrong. However, I recognize that there is a moral difficulty in the ‘ticking time bomb’ situation and accept that this provides a justifiable factor for those who take on the consequentialist ideology and would choose to torture in these extreme circumstances.

There is no situation in which torture is permissible. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other Declarations by the United Nations General Assembly express the shared moral values of numerous countries of the world. It is concluded that “torture admits no necessity by which it can be justified”. Article 5 of the UDHR states that “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Additionally, Article 2.2 of the Torture Convention supports the impermissibility of the ‘ticking time bomb’ scenario, stating that there can be no exceptions to the ban on torture. Therefore, it is more than clear that any use of torture in the ‘ticking time bomb’ scenario is a violation under international law. My view of how to handle the circumstance supports this notion that neither the ‘ticking time bomb’ situation nor any oth...

... middle of paper ... of the existence of the bomb, the information held by the suspect, the ineffectiveness of other methods compared with the effectiveness of torture to extract information, and the ability to prevent mass destruction. Additionally, there are many implications of legitimizing torture in the wider context that must be considered, as these implications of permitting torture can have a larger negative effect than not saving the innocent. The long-term results of torture heavily outweigh the immediate results. However, I understand the intentions of torture if the five conditions previously stated are present. Torture is unjustifiable, however it is important to recognize the justifiable circumstances when it appears. Therefore, after having analyzed the situation, any suspect involved in an act of mass violence has a right and therefore deserves not to be tortured.

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