Is Television good or bad?

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Is Television good or bad?
Over the years, television has become an integral part of our lives. Television serves many different roles in our daily lives including educating and informing us about things happening in the world. There has been a long lasting debate over whether a pessimistic view of television is justified in today’s society. A pessimistic view is not justified in today’s society.
Television can help save lives. Television can help save lives through its health programs such as Discovery Health. The show Discovery Health gives tips about good diet and exercises, which helps people avoid obesity and other health problems. The show also cautions people about different diseases and how to prevent those diseases. Through Discovery Health, millions of people are able to avoid health problems. As a result, people have the opportunity to live a prosperous and healthy life. This affects the society in a positive manner and illustrates that a pessimistic view of television is not justified in today’s society. Another way television can help save lives is through its speed of transporting news and warnings. People could easily know and prepare for a natural catastrophe by checking the Weather Channel. For instance, during the Hurricane Ike, the Weather Channel alerted people in the United States, which helped reduce the number of deaths. Through Weather Channel on television, people could easily save their lives from natural catastrophes such as tornadoes or hurricanes by knowing about it before time. This displays that television helps make our society more secure and preventive thus not having a pessimistic view in today’s society.
In addition, television can teach kids important values and life lessons through its educ...

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... their call for reform against corruption. So with the support of television, a protest that would take 17 days to catch people’s attention would decrease to 7 days. With the television’s characteristic of attracting a large amount of audience in a short period of time for a social cause, it has proved that a pessimistic view of it is not justified in today’s society.
A pessimistic view of television is not justified in today’s society. People who think that they could live without television are wrong because television is not just part of our entertainment but also is part of our daily lives. People should keep watching healthy and educational television to make our society more promising. Along with that, people should also keep laughing by watching television and make our society more jovial. People should getting inspirations and ideas through television.

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