Is Simon A Christ Figure

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Nikola Jovanovic Lord Of The Flies Simon Christ figure ewa. In the novel, “Lord of the Flies”, William Golding uses a character Simon as Christ figure. In the novel Simon dies and his death is also symbolized as an ending in the goodness of humanity and civilization on the island because in the book Simon represented the goodness of humanity and civilization. When Golding kills off Simon he is trying to show that the goodness of the characters in the novel has gone away and so has their civilization. Simon shows many signs of being a Christ figure, he shows prophesizing, he also understands that evil comes from the inside, or one’s self, he also show a great deal of kindness. Simon is shown to have all the characteristics that Christ has: determination ,intelligence, and spirit. Simon also takes the appearance of Christ physically, he is skinny and not too strong. Simon was very calm and kind, and he enjoyed being alone whenever he could. Simon also never thought that the beast was real. This represents Simons independence from the rest of the boys and also supports that he believ...

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