Is Romeo And Juliet Relevant Today

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The theme of love is timeless. Throughout the ages is has been a common topic of controversy and delight; it is as relevant today as it appeared to be thousands of years ago. It has become a common topic of controversy and delight making it as relevant today as it appeared to be thousands of years ago. Romeo and Juliet had the kind of love that kept you on the edge of your seat; something that people everywhere want to experience. When their parents didn’t agree with what they wanted to do Romeo and Juliet did what they thought was right for them and got married in secret, all of which is presented to us with deceiving word play. People often experience satisfaction when love trumps, Shakespeare knew how to use human nature to his Advantage. People enjoy an exhilarating …show more content…

We are misread by people older than us, younger than us, and even at times the same age as us. It is more often than not the older generation that misreads those teenagers. Juliet parents disregard her feelings about Romeo and believe that her entering into a marriage with Paris is what's best. The parents think that they know what's right just because they're older. People today experience this all the time through their parents thinking that they have a huge say on our appearance, careers, and other life-affirming choices. Romeo and Juliet were unable to talk publicly because of their parents’ feud. Parents are less inclined to encourage their children to associate with people if they don't like or find unacceptable. If a parent found a friend of the child's continuous or unacceptable whether it is because of an individual judgment or something or because of an unstable relations with the family that it will feel like they have the authority to deny you contact with said kid. This type of controlling behaviour more often than not will lead to a clandestine relationship that often can and will turn

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