Is Noahic Flood Local Or Global?

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Global vs. Local Flood “Is Noahic flood local or global?” Many Christians ponder this question and seek to find the answer. There is substantial evidence supporting both claims, so how are Believers suppose to decipher which is true? Let us begin by looking into the claims and evidence of each argument beginning with the global flood. The first evidence for the global flood involves fossils and their location centuries after the flood. Marine animal fossils have been found on mountaintops in every continent. In Nepal, the Himalaya’s have been recorded to hold fossil ammonites; these are fossils of a spiral shell inside of their top sediment layers. This mountain range reaches up to 29,029 feet above sea level. Another example is the Grand …show more content…

God told Noah to build an ark. If the flood was local, why did God not tell Noah to relocate to another area, where the flood would not occur? God’s instructions are very clear. Now, lets look to scripture, our ultimate factual guide. Genesis 7:19-20 states, “They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits.” This verse clearly says that the water covered the mountains. Even though there are many arguments for a global flood theory, there are also various examples for a local flood theory. First, Psalm 104 describes creation. In verse 9, “You set a boundary that they may not pass, so that they might not again cover the earth.” This describes God setting a boundary that the waters cannot pass. Setting a boundary, would not allow the waters to go global, but instead only local. Another example of the local flood theory is that in the Bible, the Earth was almost always referred to in local geographical perspective, rather than global. In Genesis 11:1, “Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.” God is describing the people as the whole world. Rather than saying the people, God says the whole earth referring the people of the Earth. Also, in Genesis it is interpreted that the flood ended and the waters were dried by the wind. This could not happen if the waters had nowhere to recede too. The wind would not be powerful enough to dry up the immense amount of water. The theory for a local is based flood in bases on interpretation of scripture not on scientific

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