Is Macbeth Still Relevant Today

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Those who have questioned why the famous play ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare can be still relevant to contemporary society will find that there are many themes, messages and ideas that can still relate to todays society. The main theme of ‘Appearance vs Reality’ portrayed in Macbeth cannot only be seen in the play, but also in modern society, Lady Macbeth looks and acts as the sweet, kind, ladylike middle-ages woman though in reality she is the opposite of what you would expect. Greed and ambition, the main ‘idea’ portrayed in Macbeth can also be seen in the play and modern society. Along with one of the main messages in Macbeth of ‘Power and greed can corrupt’ which is seen throughout modern society, especially with the higher class people such as the prime-minister. When looked into more, one can clearly see how the themes, messages and ideas portrayed in Macbeth can relate to modern society.
Lady Macbeth, the wife of Macbeth, is a key example of how appearance vs reality is relevant to modern society. In the play ‘Macbeth’ Lady Macbeth is seen by the other characters in the play as ‘sweet, kind and ladylike’ but in reality she is greedy, ambitious and evil. The theme of Appearance vs reality …show more content…

This can be seen through the character Macbeth and in many ways in modern society. Through the play ‘Macbeth’ the character Macbeth is corrupted by power and greed causing him to assassinate the king, Duncan, in order to achieve his goals. In contemporary society some people will destroy the careers and lives of others for their own gain. Power can lead to some people becoming so hungry for dominance and influence that they may not make rational decisions. Macbeth shows how power can affect one’s sense of security, as it forces him to pay professional assassins to kill his friends Banquo and Macduff in order to ‘secure’ the crown for

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