Is It Good To Be An American

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Everyone thinks it is good to be American because of there freedom that they fought for in the American Revolution. Yes it is great to be American but sometimes there not really the best at being the most kindest people. Other countries have there own view on Americans some hate us because of the wars that we start sometimes others hate us because they have heard bad things about us. Every country has there different views on us and some are good it just depends on who you ask. It is good to be an American because of the Freedom basically what it means when people say that they have there Freedom is that they can basically do what they want and be their own person they can have what religion they want without being judge for having a different religion from someone else, and there are other things. …show more content…

You know nothing different i have been in that situation where i miss my home but i had to make a new one here and try to learn everything about America so that i could fit in and till this day i am still learning everything. Americans complain about things that they have here but they don't get that what they have here more than most countries do. Some are trying to survive and some don't have food or shelter kids die it is scary in some countries how things are. Americans have it easy compared to what most people have it so they have no reason to complain. Americans throw away so much food because it is easy to just throw it away and forget about because they haven so much that they don't know what to do with

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