Is Atticus A Hero

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Isabella Ruiz Ms. Sickler English 2 2 April 2014 Atticus the Hero Atticus Finch beat James Bond and Superman for the American Film Institutes #1 hero of all time. He developed as a superhero in not only the eyes of his children Jem and Scout, but to many others in Maycomb County. He was different from the stereotypical superhero because he didn’t have any superpowers and he wasn’t the smartest person on earth, but a true hero stands up for what is right, even when you’re the only one standing and that is exactly what atticus did. Atticus wasn’t a violent man, but he always proved his point. He told his children never to fight, and when someone tried to fight him, or did something he didn’t like he never handled things violently. He always stood up for what was right, even when almost the whole town was angry and against him. He was also a brave man, even if he didn’t believe in guns and had never been to any wars, he cared for the people around him and always protected them, like the time he shot the dog that had gone mad, or stood outside of Tom Robins...

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