Iron Man Dialogue Analysis

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1. How frequently is dialogue used? Is the dialogue always distinct? Does it sometimes overlap? If it does, with what consequences? • In the movie Iron Man, dialogue is often used and for the most part very distinctive. Tony Stark often partakes in dialogue with Yinsen, his fellow prison mate when he was taken hostage at the beginning of the film. Also, Stark is often in dialogue with Pepper, his assistant and love interest, his friend Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, and his business partner and later arch foe, Obadiah Stane. • For the most part dialogue does not overlap in this film however, there are a few scenes that is does. For example, when Stark and Rhodes are flying to a missile demonstration on Stark’s private jet, they become very intoxicated and begin to speak over one another. It makes it hard to understand their conversation but it also very humorous because it is a realistic moment. In reality, intoxicated individuals often yell over each other’s voices and slur their words. Another example of overlapping dialogue is when Stark is virtually drowned as means of torture to force him to make his captors, a well-known terrorist group, a missile. As Stark …show more content…

It used before Tony decides not to read his cover story cards during his press release. He has to choose to read the cover story or admit to the world he is Iron Man. The scene goes silence for approximately two seconds and then Tony smirks and admits he is Iron Man. Immediately thereafter the Rock N Roll theme song “I Am Iron Man” loudly plays as Tony walks off the stage and dozen reporters yell dozens of questions. Moreover, sound is used between scenes to create fear and suspense when Piper is retrieving hidden files from Stark’s old office at his request. Suddenly. Stane walks in. Pepper is startled and instantly a loud scary orchestra sound alarms. This created a great deal of suspense and now the audience fears for Pepper’s

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