Investigating the Effect of Different Concentrations of Sucrose Solutions on Potato Tiessue

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Investigating the Effect of Different Concentrations of Sucrose Solutions on Potato Tiessue


For my GCSE biology coursework, I am going to conduct an investigation

into the effect of different concentrations of sucrose solutions on

potato tissue.

Text Box: A measuring cylinder



18 test tubes


Text Box: 1M sucrose solution

[IMAGE]A test tube rack


Cork borer

Text Box: Distilled water[IMAGE]


A potato

Text Box: White tile




Text Box: Scalpel[IMAGE]




As the concentration of the sucrose solution increases, the mass of

the potato cylinders will decrease. This is because osmosis is taking

place. Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a higher concentration

of water to a lower concentration of water through a selectively

permeable membrane. When the potato in is put into distilled water, it

will get bigger as water will enter its cells by osmosis. This is

because the water is more concentrated outside the potato rather than

inside the potato. The water will stop when the potato cells are

turgid. When the potato is put into the 1M sucrose solution, it will

get smaller as water will leave its cells by osmosis. This is because

the water in more concentrated inside the potato rather than outside

the potato. Cells with a little water in them are known as flaccid.

When a cell becomes too flaccid, it could be destroyed. A process

called plasmolysis would occur – this is where the cell membrane comes

away from the cell wall so there are big empty spaces between them.

The graph will have a negative correlation because as the

concentration of the sucrose solution increases; the mass of the

potato cylinders will decrease.

Preliminary work


Concentration of

sucrose solution (M)

Length of potato (cm)






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