Invasion Of Canaan Research Paper

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Canaan was a large and prosperous country and is now known as the present day Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, adjacent to the coastal lands and parts of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Although the promised land was given to Abraham and his descendants, the people who lived there, the Canaanites were considered enemies of the Israelites, who were more interested in pleasing themselves and who had an idolatrous religion, known for worshipped the fertility god; a people who worshipped many gods. Women could and did serve as priestesses, who could own her land, could enter into contracts and initiate divorce.
The land of Canaan is symbolic to the Israelites as the land of hope, deliverance, provision, a journey from oppression to freedom, from sin to grace. It is the only place on the planet that the Jewish people can achieve their mission. When the Israelites came to the promised land, God instructed Moses, Joshua and the Israelites to drive out its inhabitants and take the land as their own possession. Contemporary archaeologists say that there is little distinction between Canaanites and Israelites, or what they can find is very faint. The first distinction was political.
Like elsewhere in the region the Canaanite people had developed an advanced civilization. They lived in large cities and magnificent palaces. They …show more content…

Invasions and wars started to squeeze the Canaanites and the tribe within Canaan. Some of them moved north along the Mediterranean coast to what is now modern day Lebanon. This was known as the Phoenician culture which is a Greek term for those Canaanites who moved north. The Phoenicians were merchants who traded throughout the Mediterranean and was best known for they established one of which was Carthage. This is where Hannibal would launch his historic wars against Rome. The Phoenicians were renowned for their skill in carving

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