Into The Wild Theme

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Into the Wild, by Sean Penn, illustrates the story of a young man’s journey into the Alaskan wilderness. The theme of the movie revolves around the escape of civilization to find happiness and freedom. The main character, Christopher McCandless, is a young adventurer who has lived a life that many would view as comfortable. He is the son of wealthy parents and a recent graduate of Emory University. However, Chris is not happy with his life. Because of their status in society, his parents hold him to very high expectations. For Chris it’s too much and eventually he rebels. He views both society and his parents as money driven and materialistic and felt he needed an escape. Fed up, Chris flees from his dysfunctional family without saying a word. …show more content…

In the film Into the Wild, we learned that while Chris was on a trip to his parents’ hometown, he discovered that when he was two years old his father was previously married with kids and Chris’s mother had been his father’s mistress. Though Chris never shares his discovery with his parents, the hurt and betrayal he feels from it still sits in the back of his mind. We can conclude from this that he has trust issues because of the situation with his parents. When Chris is picked up by a hippie couple, Jan and Rainey, he shares a quote from Thoreau while they eat dinner. It states “rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness…give me truth.” (Into the Wild) He was scared by his parent’s indiscretions caused him to become emotionally distant from others. He is able to grow a bond with the couple because of the similarities they share in living a nomadic lifestyle. However, when the sun goes down he departs in the middle of the night while they are sleeping and leaves them a drawn message in the sand thanking them. Here Chris is showing a strong distance from relationships. He makes the trip to Alaska his main …show more content…

After removing himself from civilization, Chris was able to reinvent himself. He was attracted to the wilderness because he believed it would be his outlet from his past life and he wanted to live in solitude. The wild gave Chris the escape to find happiness and freedom. Chris keeps minimum amount of possessions because he feels that material things could never make him as happy as living alone in the nature. He was able to bond with those who represented the opposite of his family however he does stay long enough to develop a true relationship. In the movie Chris determines that in order to be happy he needed to experience absolute

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