Interpretation Of Law In Australia Essay

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To save much of the confusion which has resulted from attempts to interpret statutes over the years, the parliaments throughout Australia have enacted their own set of interpretation rules. These are embodied in special Acts by both the federal and state parliaments (The interpretation Acts) the purpose of which if to assist the interpretation and to apply standard rules of interpretation in some circumstances.

The Federal Act – Acts Interpretation Act 1901
The Acts Interpretation Act (1901) )Cth) gives courts some assistance in interpreting federal acts. For example s 15(a)(a) of the Act directs court to prefer an interpretation that gives effect to the purpose and policy of the act. This has formalised the purpose approach mentioned above, …show more content…

To some extent, these two provisions (and their state and territory counterparts) simply re_ected changes that were already occurring in judicial doctrine and practice in Australia, England and elsewhere.
However, the provisions enjoyed the legitimacy of parliamentary endorsement for the changes that were happening anyway.81
Such provisions in statute law had a tendency to drive judges back to the statutory text (read in context and with its apparent purposes in mind). e practical problem that sometimes presents to judges is this. e context of contested legislation may appear to point in a particular direction. e purpose of the legislation may arguably point in the same direction. But if the text of the legislation points with sufficient clarity in a contrary direction, the judge, in Australia, will normally give primacy to that language. He or she will override the inclination to which context, purpose (and on one view the text) might otherwise point the judicial decision-maker.
A good illustration of this conclusion may be found in the decision of the
High Court of Australia in Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and
Indigenous Affairs v B (‘B’s Case’).82 at was a case in which proceedings

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