Interpretation Of Daughter Of Invention By Julia Alvarez

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The interpretations of the characters is greatly known throughout Julia Alvarez’s “Daughter of Invention” and is well hidden deep within the layers of what the story is trying to reflect. In the short story, the reader is able to identify the characters’ distinct personalities with ease – however, most readers do not muster the time to comprehend any evident changes that makes the character what they are. As hinted, the father is known as a gentle and passive man who loves to pass on his tradition and youth to his daughter – Cukita (92). This later changes when he ends up throwing a tantrum in outrage at Cukita’s speech (94). To the average reader, it’s explicit that the father’s character is known to be lazy and angry, but don’t acknowledge the reasoning behind his and any other character’s behavior. Furthermore, the text proves that based on the characters’ dialogue – it affects the way they think. The mother refuses to declare her inventions to her husband and instead shows the sketches to her daughters by exclaiming, “[She has] something to show [her]” (88). This indicates that the father doesn’t seem to care so much about his wife’s bright inventions and instead tries to drag on his Dominican Republic side solemnly. He would be shown cast away under the gloomy shadows in the dark …show more content…

This can be proven by the father’s first lines of speech being “Que pasa? Que pasa?” (90). It’s understandable since parents and generations behind feel like it’s a need for their mother tongue and traditions to be passed on. Although, the reader is introduced to the father speaking in broken English with rapid fury, arguing to his daughter by provoking, “What ees wrrrong with her eh-speech?”(94). This sparks a fuse between him and his wife which causes the daughter to retort something about his past and made him realize why he was acting the way he

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