Interpersonal Conflict In Film Analysis

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Interpersonal Conflict in Film
Interpersonal conflict in films comes across the same in everyday life. There are times when things are said that are taken out of context and you wish they could be retracted for example when we become upset with a situation or comment that was said. I found there to be a lot of different instances of conflict in this film I chose. After watching this film, I learned to be careful of what I might say and how it is said to avoid escalating any incident you may have in an active relationship.
The first incident of interpersonal conflict I observed is when the lady finds out that the guy she is dating is known as the relationship expert. She runs away from her filming crew and leave them standing. I believe that if there was some kind of trust and the information had been relayed to the parties involved, this incident could have been avoided. Even though the question of what he did for a living was never brought up, if the right questions had been asked and answered this information would have come up i...

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