Interpersonal Communication Research Paper

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Communication is inevitable, complex, and continuous. The continuous aspect of communication means that the things we say and do now will impact and influence our future. This means that being a competent communicator is very important to how people portray and interact with us. My mother, Jana, is a great communicator, which according to her was not always true. She said that when she was in high school she struggled communicating with others effectively but with a lot of practice she improved her communication skills. My mother works as a program coordinator at Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Plant. When I asked her why communication is so important she told me that it is hard to find a job that does not involve some type of communication so it is important to know how to communicate effectively. I asked my mother if she could come up with three things that made her a competent communicator. She told me that the most important thing to her as a communicator was her ability to listen. At work, she uses her ability to listen …show more content…

The second most important thing in my mother’s ability to be a competent communicator is that she thinks before she speaks. She often gets mad at me and tells me to think before I speak to people. My mother said that thinking before you speak is essential to giving a good first impression and also to maintaining respect from others. She then continued to tell me the story of when she was in college and she had to take a final in her German class. The final consisted of going to her professor’s room and having a conversation with him in German. She said that she had to think before everything she said not only because she was speaking in German but also because she wanted to sound intelligent. My mother said that in order to be a competent communicator you need to think before you

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