Interpersonal Communication: A Daily Necessity

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It is evident that communication is a huge part of everyone 's everyday life. There are a variety of different ways that people use to communicate in their lives. But the most common way to communicate is through interpersonal communication. It occurs when two individuals are close and able to equip feedback to the other person involved. It does differ from just your typical communication because there are only a couple members involved, the people involved tend to be close with each other already, and the reaction is prompt. By listening to what someone else is saying is also interpersonal communication and when the material is acknowledged, it gives meaning to the information. It can be done verbally and non-verbally, and is not primarily …show more content…

She knows everything about me, and I pretty much know everything about her as well. She practically knows me better than anyone else, even my closest friends and boyfriend. We love to spend majority of our time together and it easy for both of us to open up to each other about everything going on in our lives. Whether that 's my education, family members, my boyfriend, her work, but it doesn 't matter what the topic is, I tell her everything. Because I am her daughter, we are very much alike, and that goes as far as my taste in style, music, and we love doing things that we both enjoy together. It is also frequent that she is the same size as me, so we also share clothes too! So, it is evident that we share the same interests, and have many similarities. Me and my mom share a special bond, that is like no other I have ever had with anyone else, and I am quite thankful for that, especially that it lies between my own family. The most crucial for our close bond and relationship, is trust. Without that trust, we wouldn 't be as close as we are or be able to share half of the things that we do share with each other. It 's nice to know that my mom will always have my back, and be there for me no matter what the circumstance is, and it is the same way for me with her. We consider ourselves very lucky. Without a doubt, I acknowledge our relationship that we obtain together, absolutely interpersonal. Because, it holds true to the definition of an interpersonal relationship. It is between two people, who are relatively close with each other, and use interaction, and have for a lengthy period of

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