Internet Thugs...Say It to My Face

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The way an individual speaks or writes determines that person's power and identity, this holds especially true on social networking sites. Social networking sites can be defined as websites created to communicate informally with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself. A social networking page is one’s form of identity; outsiders recognize others through their own unique page which includes a picture, name, hometown, occupations, and status updates. The internet allows every person to be themselves and express their opinions, without restrictions. However, does one really act how they truly are online? When you communicate with other users on the internet, most likely there is no prenotion of the type of personality traits that you posses. This would mean language ( in other words, what you say on the internet), determines what your power and your character. If one were to take notice of conversations that take place on the internet, which includes comments found on YouTube or the tweets found on Twitter, the conversations between people seem to be more intense than it would be if you were talking to the person face-to-face. There is a name for this action: “Internet Thuggin”. Being identified as an “internet thug” refers to a person acting out more than he would usually do when he is surfing the internet, with an attempt to gain a new identity and to create a sense of power that could not exist in the real world. Even though changing one’s character in the virtual world comes across as fake, it is a language phenomenon that allows individuals to express their true feelings without facing real-life tensions.
An Internet thug can be defined as a person who lashes out against another, whether it be a stra...

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.... When I look at my newsfeed on facebook, I notice peers who are completely silent during school, create this unrecognizable personality online. I often see classmates going back and forth with each other on facebook, then during school, there is no issue. I think to myself, ¨ Who is this person on the internet, and why is he the exact opposite during school?¨ By using a language that would never be used in real life, one is creating a false power and identity on the internet. There is not one internet thug that has the same personality on and off of the computer, this is the problem. It is not okay to create an identity online that does not reflect one's true character. We has a society, need to stay true to our personality and character, regardless of if we are on the internet or not. Like the commercial says, " If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?¨

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