Internet Censorship Essay

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Internet Censorship Position

We live in a world with many technological advances, such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, DVD players, and many major medical advances, too many to name. Perhaps the most important technological advance is the World Wide Web or simply the Internet. Of course like any good thing, the Internet comes with its ups and downs.

The internet is a wonderful learning tool. Of course, there are some things, actually a lot of things, that aren’t suitable for a classroom environment, such as pornography, violent material, uneducational games, or even web sites about cheating in schools. Sure, games are fine at home, but they are not good for the classroom. Of course there are some educational …show more content…

However, the speeches could be beneficial to a student’s learning. If one is learning about the Holocaust, then it might be helpful to read Hitler’s speeches. I believe that his speeches are hate speeches, but yet useful to the classroom.

Some of those against Internet censorship say that it violates the constitution because it violates the first amendment. I don’t think that this is true. If no web site were blocked on school computers then students might see some things that they are definitely not old enough to see. For example, if an elementary student was on a computer using the internet and a pornographic site popped up, don’t you think that the child’s parents would be a little upset? I don’t think that some sites should be blocked, but things like pornography, violent material, and games should definitely be banned from the school room environment.

I believe that the federal legislation should take care of this problem. This is most certainly a national dilemma. This is something that every school with computers in the United States needs to deal with. I think that if it were up to the district or state

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