Internalized Racism In African Americans

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“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” -Harriet Tubman. There are many African Americans today that are suffering from internalized racism. However they may be oblivious to the fact that they possess self hatred. Deep down inside they do not love who they are. Some African Americans can adopt a white supremacist mindset that can be a reason for their self hatred. Primarily African American women perform actions needed to minimize and invalidate the black features in which they were born with. They feel the need to alter their physical appearance to be accepted in society. They loathe the distinct physical characteristics of blacks such as hair texture or skin color. Others may refuse to associate with those of the same race, negatively stereotype their own or simply identify as white. Internalized racism amongst African Americans effects an individual both physically and mentally.
Internalized racism is caused due to a number of reasons. In some cases, African Americans can be raised in a predominately white community where they felt rejected as a result of their skin complexion. Or they could of been bullied because of their hair texture or their curl pattern. Also by African Americans viewing white …show more content…

“Deeply negative attitudes about skin color have seeped into our own house, advanced by grandmothers who favor the light children over the dark ones; men who pass by the pretty dark-skinned sisters in the club; and music video producers who habitually cast racially ambiguous dancers” (Essence). Harvard Medical School psychiatrist stated “of course, most of us celebrate the various shades of mocha, caramel, cinnamon, peach and chocolate that make up African-American families, but..."The unconscious prejudices we have, where we think we 're going to have a better life if we 're lighter than if we 're darker, have not

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