Internal Conflict In The Shoes Of The Fisherman

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The author of The Shoes of the Fisherman, Morris West, shows the desires of the newly named pope to be a simple man. Kiril Lakota, who was recently released from jail after 17 years is the newly proclaimed pope. Kiril encounters numerous conflicts as he tries to live out a simple mission to bring people of all countries together. Kiril, the new proclaimed pope experiences many internal and external conflicts. An internal conflict that Kiril faces the whole book is his deep feeling of inadequacy. While talking of the man that died in his arms Kiril states that “I just felt so inadequate. I needed someone who could act” (West 149), which shows that he was unable to cope with the situation. Kiril is never fully able to get over …show more content…

Most of the Cardinals were uneasy with the decision of his papacy so while talking to them all Kiril, to gain their trust, jokes of his beard, “Even this I understand to be a source of scandal to some, although our Master and the first Apostles were all bearded men. I should hate to think that the rock of Peter should split for want of a razor.” (43). After that moment “they laughed and loved him”, which displays the Cardinals approval of Kiril the Pontiff. Kiril is able to overcome this conflict by letting the Cardinals see a side of himself that they did not see before. Kiril’s second external conflict that he encounters is trying to bring peace to the countries involved in the Cold War. Kiril acts as a mediator for the United States and the Soviet union and “wants to begin secret talks to fend off the crisis we all know is coming” (180). This shows Kiril's effort to bring them together to ease the tension. Kiril’s efforts did not go unanswered and he is able to ease the tension by bringing the countries together during the Cold War. Kiril Lakota, who was recently released from jail after 17 years is the newly

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