Intermediate Sanctions And Shock Probation

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Community correction is a term that refers to everything ranging from diversion before the trial to the punishments that follows after the trial. This refers to any way ranging to non imprisonment yet supervised ways used to deal with criminal offenders who are facing conviction or who has been convicted. (Beck et al., 2001). Probation as well as parole are the two most commonly way of dealing with the offenders though there are many ways such as being confined at home, electronic surveillance, day fines, community service shock probation and residential community supervision to mention but a few. The following are some of the intermediate sanction actions in the criminal corrections:

Shock Probation

Shock probation is a punishment which is imposed by the court of releasing the offender back into the community under the conditions of the suspended sentence. This type of sanctions assumes that the offenders are not so dangerous that they may respond to rehabilitation while in the community. This type of sanction is imposed on the first-time offenders or non violent offender who it is believed that the remaining part of the sentence will best be served in the community while still serving the sentence. (Cripe and Clair, 1997).

Shock probation refers to a term for a number of years but after a few days such as 30, 60days or even 90 days the offender is then removed from the prison. In shock probation, the offender is first sentenced to prison then after 30, 60 or even 90 days the offender is brought again to the court and re sentenced again into the community probation. This is unlike other systems of probations like the split probation where the probation was part of the overall sentence and the offender is not required...

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... law, government supervisors and to the public through the political system available. (Austin and Coventry, 2001). The private prisons are also answerable to the insurers, investors, competitors and the stockholders. Competition from other competitors therefore acts as a better mechanism for control which is not experienced by public prisons. The problem of funding and allocating space efficiently in the prisons would decrease if there were better markets that sell, buy and rent the prison cells. The private prisons are based in such a way that they have introduced factories behind the bars allowing them to reduce their costs and allowing the inmates to earn some money and pay in their own way and give back to the community where they resided. The public prisons do this to some extent which however cannot match that of the private prisons. (Silverman and Ira, 2001).

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