Interest Groups Essay

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Interest group is a group of individuals who organize to influence the government’s programs and policies. (Ginsberg, Lowi, Weir, Tolbert) There can be many different types of interest groups. The most common being business and agricultural groups, labor groups. and professional associations. These are usually represented by a specific business or type of business who wish to lobby the government in ways that supports what their business is doing. Then you have the public interest groups which claim that they are just looking out for the well being of the American public rather than trying to promote a single issue. Ideological groups more rally for a way of life, or a set of ideals than going for any particular issue. This could include a certain, religion, or political group. Somewhere in all these kinds of interest groups almost every stance on almost every issue is represented. In fact, many will be represented by multiple groups. There are many reasons and benefits for joining interest groups. For example, when you join the NRA they send you a free hat. Not to mention that you’ll probably sign up for an email list, maybe even attend meetings, or events which could be great ways to meet people. When you’re surrounded and connected to a bunch of constituents who feel passionately about the same things you do, you’re bound to make some friends. Going back to that email list, I’m sure they’ll send you information about the group, what candidates they’re supporting, and general facts about elections. They’ll probably remind you when and where to vote, and of course who to vote for. And when you’re reminded of all this information, you’ll probably feel more efficacy. You’ll feel like your vote means something, especially because y... ... middle of paper ... ...y if you don’t support the parties close relation to an interest group. A salient example of this would be the NRA and the republican party. Lately, they have seemed very close as they have been on the same wavelength when it comes to gun control, or in this case, lack thereof. Sometimes I wonder if every republican on the planet has the same stance on gun control and it seems like if you don’t support the NRA you can’t, or shouldn’t vote republican even if it’s the only viewpoint on which you have a differing opinion. This, however, isn’t the case, the republican party is made up of much more than the love of the 2nd amendment. This skew in american logic is just one of the many ways interest groups may be getting the upper hand. The more money an interest group can give to a party, the better, and the closer that party will want to be to that interest group.

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