Intercultural Communication Through The Internet

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Since the last ten years, emotional intelligence is becoming lower in the world because people are getting used to meet people through the internet instead of going out. Staying home is more convenient and the outcome becomes more and more visible. People get out of the habit of nonverbal communication and rhetorical sophistry, like irony or sarcasm, are not adequate to communicate through the internet. The most important problem is that nonverbal communication makes up over 90 percent of all communication. Gestures and mimics can’t be seen over the internet and emoticons can just be used to show a few basic expressions. Otherwise, the internet gives opportunities to communicate with some nonverbal communication by providing the potential to make video conferences all over the world. Video conferences can’t replace face-to-face communication, but in our global world the internet may lead to more commonality in global thinking. The international business environment has changed rapidly in the growing global markets. Most companies not only operate in their domestic market; they also operate in foreign business markets where they have to struggle with different languages and cultures. The most challenging problems are the differences within intercultural communication. Therefore, the internet helps the companies to deal successfully with these challenges and gives the opportunities to be ‘global’. The threat for the private sector is coeval an opportunity for the business sector. Instant messaging and calling worldwide are benefits of the internet and additionally new technologies enable companies to make huge video conferences where non-verbal communication becomes possible all over the world. Mimic and gestures become visible in n...

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...ple and culture is respected. Successful internet-interaction will improve the intercultural learning.

The rapid development and spread of electronic communication technologies is quickly making the world a smaller place. The economies of various nations become more merged through the globalization and people using these technologies increasingly find themselves interacting with a larger international audience. However, this audience has different expectations for how it evaluates and interprets information. For this reason, companies need to become aware of intercultural communication through the internet with its opportunities and advantages of global communication. Communication through the internet could cause miscommunication in international online interactions. For this reason, trainings should be used to provide strategies for avoiding these problems.

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