Innovation Architecture In Nokia

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When you look at your cell phone do you ever ask yourself, how did they come up with this idea? There are companies that have systems specifically targeting innovation development; it allows employees to be in an environment that will help stimulate ideas for that will help enhance the company’s product(s). This type of system is called innovation architecture. According to ‘textbook’, “It’s a blueprint for strategic and industry transformation—an explicit and widely shared point of view about how the company will strive to differentiate itself now, and five to ten years into the future” (Dryer & Gregersen, 2009). This system is extremely beneficial to organizations because it increases their ability to enhance their product, that will fit …show more content…

How a company creates an innovation architecture is by taking a range of ideas, putting them into groups, and lastly sculpting the innovation architecture (Dryer & Gregersen, 2009). An innovation architecture should show organizations where they will be going and how are they going to get their (Dryer & Gregersen, 2009). Organization such as Nokia, Apple, and Nike have developed their own innovation architecture process that works for their organizations. Nokia is a well-known company in the technology industry, their goal like most companies is to find new opportunities of growth. In the 1990s, Nokia changed the process of the company to a new direction. They wanted to involve the entire company by creating an inclusive system that focuses on strategy innovation (Dryer & Gregersen, 2009) According to ‘textbook’, “As Chris Jackson, former head of strategy development at Nokia, put it, “By engaging more people, the ability to implement strategy becomes more viable.”” (Dryer & Gregersen, 2009, pg 155). It took team work, time, and strategy for Nokia to decide what type of company they wanted to become. Nokia created an …show more content…

Apple and Nokia, both value teamwork and having the company involved. Based of research, I have learned that innovation architecture can be very beneficial to companies and that not every company with have the same type of strategy. They all create one that they feel works best for the company. Innovation architecture, allows companies to take a lot idea, and narrow them down to what seems best for their targeted goals are for the future of the company. What process and system might actually stifle innovation and intrapreneurship are ones that are view as permanent, which does not allow the organization those companies to be open for change. They need to be opened for change within the innovation architecture because a new idea or direction may develop, that could benefit the companies’ enhancement and success. I also learned that innovation architecture takes time to create because it has to be a clear dialogue, that both the company can understand and has reachable goals. (Dryer & Gregersen, 2009). The type of structures or process I would use are the one similar to Nokia; which are created three themes that represent the foundation of the structure, to help narrow down ideas that are focus on the goals of the product(s). I would also want the culture to be diversified based off specialization, the environment

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