Innocence to Corruption in Oscar Wilde´s The Picture of Dorian Grey

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The power of influence takes a hold of Dorian Gray, transforming him from an innocent youth to a corrupt and deceitful man. Dorian’s character begins slowly deteriorating with the introduction of Lord Henry. Wilde portrays Lord Henry as a self-centered man. He perceptively creates a domino effect by influencing Dorian’s morals and altering his character. Oscar Wilde demonstrates negative influence throughout The Picture of Dorian Gray using a dark tone, intriguing imagery, and ominous diction, thus portraying the social theme.
Wilde shows Lord Henry grasping onto Dorian and his moral beliefs, “There is no such thing as good influence Mr. Gray. All influence is immoral-immoral from the scientific point of view.” Dorian quickly transforms from an innocent young man, to a wicked deceitful man. Lord Henry knowingly influences Dorian, “People say sometimes that beauty is only superficial. That may be so, but at least it is not so superficial as thought is.” The craving for eternal beauty acts alongside with Lord Henry in the demise of Dorian. “As he thought of it, a sharp pang of pain st...

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